
All services provided at our location at First United Brethren Church, 496 S. Wheatland Ave., Columbus, 43204

  • Monday

    Hope Resource Center
    (Addiction and mental health treatment resources, meals, personal hygiene, first aid, condoms, clothing and narcan)

    Free Clinic
    Provided by Lower Lights Health

    Hope for Today
    (Hope for Today provides an opportunity to step out of the street and into a safe and intellectually stimulating environment with peers. The goal is to enable critical thinking, and future-focused, as well as reflective conversations that can plant seeds toward recovery. )

    Case Management
    Provided by Mid-Ohio Food Collective
    (Medicaid, Food Stamps, ID’s, Birth Certificates, etc.)

    AA Meeting

  • Wednesday

    Hope Resource Center
    (Addiction and mental health treatment resources, meals, personal hygiene, first aid, condoms, clothing and narcan)

    Case Management
    Provided by Franklin County Public Health
    (Medicaid, Food Stamps, ID’s, Birth Certificates, etc.)

    Free Clinic
    Provided by Equitas

    Hope Community Gathering
    (A recovery based, affirming community that acts as a bridge between the streets and faith. We are a people who desire to work on our recovery while strengthening our relationship with God as our Higher Power. All personal beliefs and values are welcome.)

    Food Pantry
    (1st Wednesday of the month)

  • Friday

    Hope Resource Center
    (Addiction and mental health treatment resources, meals, personal hygiene, first aid, condoms, clothing and narcan)

    Free Clinic (every other Friday)
    Provided by Mount Carmel Street Outreach

  • Sunday

    Second Chance Church
    2nd Sunday of the Month
    89 Avondale Avenue.

    Second Chance is place for people who need a second chance and for people ready to give church a second chance. Faith is not about perfection but about the ongoing journey of healing, growth, and being welcomed back, no matter one's past.